
Author Spotlight

Wayne Thomas Batson (1968-)
Wayne Thomas Batson, popular Christian writer or fantasy, was born in the community of Seabrook, Maryland, and attended and graduated from the University of Maryland. He lives in Eldersburg, MD, with his wife and four children; in addition to writing, he teaches middle-school students and has been influential in educational work in various counties of Maryland.

Books by Wayne Thomas Batson

Book Fun Values Age
Curse of the Spider King by Wayne Thomas Batson Good Fairly Clean 11-12
The Door Within by Wayne Thomas Batson Great Clean 13+
The Final Storm by Wayne Thomas Batson Great Fairly Clean 13+
Isle of Swords by Wayne Thomas Batson Fair Take Care 11-12
The Rise of the Wyrm Lord by Wayne Thomas Batson Great Clean 13+
Venom and Song by Wayne Thomas Batson Good Fairly Clean 11-12
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